Virtual Context | The Garage Group



Check your "We can't do that's" at the door. Continue persevering and make progress on your innovation pipeline and strategy in the face of unprecedented uncertainty.

6 Hacks to Sprinting in a Virtual Context

Have you been tasked with spearheading the move to digital collaboration within your brand team as you build your innovation pipeline? Here are some tips to help you and your team as you’re building your approach.

How can teams continue to generate, develop, and iteratively build new ideas in a virtual environment? Here are our principles that we rely on to ensure entrepreneurial innovation thrives even in challenging times.

REJIGGER THE AGENDA: We move fast, but non-stop screen time leads to disengagement and burnout. Give people time to step away, stretch, and renew. Break the content into modules, and forge ahead!

MINIMIZE FULL TEAM “SCREEN TIME”: Instead, leverage the power of smaller breakout teams to make collaborating, communicating, and sharing ideas easier.

CREATE THE CONTEXT TO UNLOCK CREATIVITY: Leverage fresh ways to engage the team in “associative thinking”. We love a multi-method approach to collecting external inspiration to drive divergent exploration of possibilities, enabling the reimagination of new ways to solve problems.

LEVERAGE THE POWER OF THE PLATFORM: Take a multi-tool approach to digital collaboration, maximizing the opportunities available through digital platforms.

“SQUEEZE THE JUICE”: Virtual learning has been “a thing” for years! Stay fresh on & borrow “best practices” across industries, tapping into battle-tested “hacks” when possible.

Don't Let Current Constraints Stop you from Progressing the Work

Read our lessons learned from an early-pandemic quick pivot from an in-person to 100% virtual Jobs to be Done session.