We’re continuing the conversation of operationalizing startup-inspired approaches in Bigcos at the Corporate Researchers Conference October 8-10 and The Market Research Event October 16-18.
Insights leaders will learn from and be inspired from courageous leaders setting the vision for and starting the hard journey of implementing entrepreneurial approaches against their strategic challenges. Come join us in Orlando or Scottsdale and learn from these inspiring leaders!
(CRC: Corporate Researchers Conference- Orlando, FL)
The Mars Petcare team recently partnered with The Garage Group, taking a Strategy Sprint approach to tackle their challenge of revitalizing one of their brands. We’re jumping in with them at CRC to share some lessons learned, enablers during the sprint, and what needed to be true for the Mars Petcare team to continue their hustle and momentum after the sprint.
Senior Director at The Garage Group, Dennis Furia, Rachel Aubrey, Marketing Insights Lead, and Jessica Stiebel, Brand Manager at Mars Petcare, will share the overall approach they took, key enablers that led to their success, and lessons they plan to apply to future growth challenges.
See Dennis’s recent blog on the Insights Association website explaining a bit more about the approach and a few enablers.
(TMRE: The Market Research Event- Scottsdale, AZ)
Hear from Terrae Schroeder, Director of Insights & Innovation in the snacks division at Kellogg’s, and Sara Valasek, Director at The Garage Group about how they took an entrepreneurial approach to get to make an idea a “big bet.”
They will talk about 3 key approaches leveraged: having a growth mindset, the need for hustle, and taking a 360-degree approach to innovation. Kellogg’s has since adopted many of these approaches in their day-to-day, therefore shifting the culture a bit more entrepreneurial. Terrae recently participated in an interview about their upcoming presentation and shared the potential takeaways of the presentation:
“For companies looking for a different way to get to bigger and better innovation, this will lay out some key principles for success in implementing a new process and unlocking greater benefit from your organization’s resources. The market is moving very fast and we need to adjust to be quicker and more agile as well. You’ll learn how to leave your “we can’t” at the door!”
(CRC: Corporate Researchers Conference- Orlando, FL)
We’re excited to partner with the organizers of CRC to develop an interactive way to apply how Universal Studios Park surprises, delights, and removes customer pain points through their amazing customer experience. Join other conference participants for a day at Universal Studios Park and observe how pain points are being solved, and the next day, connect them back to your customers’ pain points. Senior Director, Dennis Furia and Co-CEO, Ann Thompson, will lead a work session to bring these observations and connections to life.
If you’re headed to CRC or TMRE this year, give us a shout! We’ll have teams on the ground at both. Hope to see you there!