TEDx Xavier University, Entrepreneurship Isn't Just for Startups | The Garage Group

TEDx Xavier University, Entrepreneurship Isn’t Just for Startups

At TEDx Xavier University, Cofounder Jason Hauer shares 5 things established organizations can learn from startups.  It’s about a 12 minute video. We hope you’ll take the time to watch and listen and share your own thoughts!

The Garage Group is a new kind of strategy firm building entrepreneurial processes and capabilities for innovation.

We work with teams to crystallize their innovation strategy, uncover insights and convert them, along with trends and cross-industry analogs, to generate ideas. We facilitate turning ideas into holistic business model prototypes that can be piloted and scaled. In addition, we create and lead training programs and modules on the skills, behaviors and knowledge that ensure innovation can happen sustainably throughout an organization.

Our clients include Fortune 500 companies and brands like Procter & Gamble, Tide, Always, Nationwide and Jergens; professional-service firms like LPK, Kantar and TNS; as well as health-care organizations like Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and the Greater Cincinnati Health Council.

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