It is a Great Idea, Get Started | The Garage Group

It is a Great Idea, Get Started


We all have ideas we’re sitting on that we haven’t gone after. Ideas that could change our organizations and develop us. We’re not supposed to have all the answers when we start, but we fool ourselves into thinking we do. Unfortunately, this thinking ends up keeping us from pursing what could be great ideas!  Recognize that the irony of excuses and resistance we throw up:

In reality, we get the answers and courage when we engage in the process. The answers (good and bad) reveal themselves when we’re vulnerable and put ourselves out there in pursuit of our idea.

“A work-in-progress generates its own energy field. You, the artist or entrepreneur, are pouring love into the work; you are suffusing it with passion and intention and hope.”
― Steven Pressfield, Do the Work

Have the courage to go against the resistance holding you back and start employing the skills that will move you forward:

Networking: Talk with people inside and outside your organization who can give you insights for moving your idea forward. Coffee is a great medium. Just reach out and ask. These same folks you network with will be critical resources and/or advocates as you ramp up your idea.

Observing: Check out other industries for ideas you might be able to learn from and reapply back to what you’re trying to do. Could be a business model you find interesting, it could be a particular process. Ideas are all around you, just observe intently. Open your eyes and ears for ways your idea will “fit” for your organization and customer.

Questioning: What questions do you have about your idea? Could be doubts, could be where do I start, could be who should I network with…write them down. Don’t stop questioning — the more questions you ask, the better your answers will be. As you write your questions down, you may be surprised at how quickly the answers will come.

Connecting: If you’re naturally good at connecting the dots, you’ll start to see patterns emerge for moving your idea forward. If it’s not your best skill, expand your network to include a few of those people too and include them in the process.

Cut through the resistance and get started.

Photo licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr user: Armchair Builder

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